At any particular point in time, I have around 142 items listed for sale. Some items are more popular than others so it's not unusual if it's been a year or even years since I've made a particular item.  

In the case of Mr Mahna Mahna muppet that I finished today, the last time I made him was in July last year. So when it came to making his blue outfit, I was worried. 

The yarn that I use is really difficult to work with and because it's so 'hairy', I feel like I'm working by touch because I can't actually see the stitches. And you can forget about unravelling anything you've started because all the hair gets caught up in the stitches which makes it impossible to undo.

After two false starts, I was frustrated. I was also wondering how I managed to get it done the last two times that I'd made him.

Then I remembered that the trick with this yarn is that you have to pair it up with normal yarn - that way you can see the stitches. Thank god I remembered this because I don't know what I would have done otherwise! 

I generally think I have a bad memory but thank goodness, it still works when I really need it to!  

I promptly made a note on the pattern to remind me for next time. 

Does your memory ever let you down?