I've just finished making my second Beaker within a week - and my 15th Beaker in just under 2 years. He's by far my most popular seller to the soft toy market outside New Zealand. Thank you to the very talented Erin Scull of Erin's Toy Store for patterning him!

He's relatively easy to make. With the yarn I use, he's 46cm (18 inches) tall so if anything, the biggest challenge is surviving the monotony of making his tubular body. And then the endless rows of his lab coat...haha

The fingers can sometimes feel quite finicky to make but the lifelike look of his hands make the effort worthwhile. 

And no matter how many I've made, the satisfaction that I feel after I finish each one is the same as if I was finishing Beaker for the first time. 

Maybe it's got something to do with the fact that I loved the Muppets as a kid. Or that Beaker reminds me of the great childhood that I had. Or the knowledge that my Beaker will be enjoyed by another generation of kids that are experiencing the awesomeness of The Muppets for the first time. Who knows?

What do you make that gives you unexplained satisfaction?

Stay safe. Be kind.
